ABC is here to serve the citizens of Arkansas by ensuring that businesses meet all requirements to obtain an Alcoholic Beverage License and those businesses maintain compliance with all state regulations. We also serve a vital role to ensure that retailers responsibly serve all alcoholic beverages to ensure the health and well-being of patrons. To accomplish this goal our office has 2 major sections. The ABC Administration Division and the ABC Enforcement Division.
Please use the links on this page to find information pertinent to obtaining and maintaining a license with our office as well as several other features.
ABC Administration can assist with the processes of obtaining, maintaining, and renewing licenses and well as training, fine payments, and all other administrative needs. Our legal staff will also work with businesses to schedule hearings or arrange settlements for violations of Alcoholic Beverage Laws and Regulations. Our office phone number is 501-682-1105
ABC Enforcement is responsible for ensuring compliance with all Alcoholic Beverage Laws and Regulations. Our field agents will routinely visit all licensed businesses to ensure compliance. If a business is not in compliance the agents can issue citations to the business and the employees. If you have any questions about ABC Enforcement, please contact our office at 501-682-8174.