The Official Website of the State of Arkansas

DUI/DWI Information

DUI/DWI Information

When an individual is stopped or arrested upon probable cause for an alcohol or drug related offense, the arresting law enforcement officer will give the individual an Official Driver’s License Receipt and take the individual’s driver’s license. This action is part of Arkansas Administrative Law.

The individual will also receive a “Notice of Suspension/ Revocation/ Disqualification of Driving Privilege Form (ALS)” which includes the following information:

  • The individual will be eligible to drive temporarily for thirty (30) days with the Driver’s License Receipt, provided they had a valid driver’s license at the time of the arrest.
  • The individual has the right to request an administrative hearing with a Driver Control Hearing Officer within seven (7) calendar days to contest the administrative suspension.
  • The individual may also request an uncontested hearing with Driver Control to determine their eligibility for an interlock restricted license or a restricted driving permit contingent on the type of DUI/DWI/BUI/BWI offense.

DWI AlcoholDriving While Intoxicated/Alcohol
BWI AlcoholBoating While Intoxicated/Alcohol, regardless of driver’s license class
DWI DrugsDriving While Intoxicated/Drugs
BWI DrugsBoating While Intoxicated/Drugs, regardless of driver’s license class
Refused to testRefusal to Submit to Test (aka Implied Consent Law)
Underage DUIDriving Under the Influence – BAC .02 – .079 (Underage only)
Underage BUIBoating Under the Influence – BAC .02 – .079   (Underage only)
Underage Refused to testRefusal to Submit to Test (aka Implied Consent Law)
MIP/AlcoholMinor in Possession of Alcohol
Misrepresent ID/AlcoholMisrepresentation of ID for Purchase of Alcohol
CDL DWIDWI while holding a Commercial Driver’s License or Commercial Learner’s Permit
CMV DWIDWI committed in a commercial vehicle, regardless of driver’s license class – BAC .04

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