What are the reporting requirements for Byrne SCIP?

What are the reporting requirements for Byrne SCIP?

The following reporting elements will be required, along with any other applicable
reporting outlined in the award conditions (e.g., FFATA and FAPIIS):
• Quarterly Federal Financial Reports (and one final Federal Financial Report after
all funds have been obligated and expended) must be submitted through OJP’s
JustGrants System.
Quarterly performance measurement reports (once all funds have been obligated
and expended, that report may be marked “final”) must be submitted through the
BJA Performance Measurement Tool, and semi-annual performance reports
(once all funds have been obligated and expended, that report may be marked
“final”) through OJP’s JustGrants System. The performance measurement
questionnaire is available at https://bja.ojp.gov/funding/performancemeasures/byrne-scip-measures.pdf.
• Recipients will be required to cooperate with any program audits or evaluations
(e.g., DOJ Office of the Inspector General, OJP Office of Audit, Assessment, and
Management, and/or Government Accountability Office audits, assessments, or