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ARBuy Conversion Activities: Validate Open AASIS Outline Agreements

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ARBuy Conversion Activities: Validate Open AASIS Outline Agreements

With the upcoming integration of ARBuy, the Office of State Procurement (OSP0 and the AASIS Service Center have identified a need for Agencies to validate existing Outline Agreements. All Outline Agreements with a Validity End Date ≥ ARBuy go-live will be re-created in ARBuy by the ARBuy project team, so it is imperative that Agencies close any Outline Agreements that do not need to be re-created in ARBuy prior to ARBuy go-live.

As part of this cleanup effort, Agency staff should:

  1. Verify the Validity Dates in AASIS are accurate;
  1. Verify the line items in the Outline Agreement is ≥ to the amount of Purchase Orders issued against the Outline Agreement line item;
  1. Verify the Target Value amount is accurate; and
  1. Verify the Total Project Cost is accurate.

Due to data quality issues, there are a few limitations to what the ARBuy project team can re-create in ARBuy. Outline Agreements with the following conditions will not be re-created by ARBuy.

The agency must close these types of Outline Agreements before on-live.

Limitation 1: There are several open Outline Agreements that contain lines that have been overspent. Agency staff will be responsible for re-creating these Outline Agreements in ARBuy.

Limitation 2: There are several open Outline Agreements that contain lines that have Purchase Orders cut with Quantities and Price different than what is in the Outline Agreement. For example, one PO is cut with Quantity 1, Price $10 and another PO is cut with Quantity 10, Price $1. Agency staff will be responsible for re-creating these Outline Agreements in ARBuy.

Limitation 3: There are several open Outline Agreements that have validity dates exceeding the maximum 7 years. These Outline Agreements will not be re-created in ARBuy.

Please also note that increasing the value of these fields (Validity End Date, Line Item Amount, Target Contract Amount, and Total Projected Cost) will trigger the contract to be re-released.

The AASIS Service Center has created a new report to aid Agency’s in identifying open Outline Agreements. The report can be accessed via Transaction ZOA_STATUS_RPT. Please refer to the information icon in transaction ZOA_STATUS_RPT for instruction on how to run the report.

Agency Procurement Managers are responsible for passing this message along to the appropriate staff and for ensuring the necessary changes are made to existing Outline Agreements. If you have questions related to AASIS functionality, please submit an AASIS help desk ticket.

Cindy Ward at the AASIS Service Center has been tasked with aiding and monitoring the agencies regarding Outline Agreement issues. Please reach out to her at (501-682-4942) for any related questions.

We appreciate and thank you for your assistance ahead of time!