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Changes to Transactions ZVENDTAXID and ZVENDBANK

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Changes to Transactions ZVENDTAXID and ZVENDBANK

Transaction Codes ZVENDTAXID (search for vendor account by Tax ID) and ZVENDBANK (verify vendor account has bank details) have been updated to improve search and output options.
The following changes have been made to the selection screens:

  • Name search fields are no longer case sensitive and now accept the wild card character, *.
  • Tax Number search fields work with or without a hyphen in the number. 
  • Fields indicating ‘Deletion Flag’ or ‘Blocked’ status have been added to help with identifying valid Vendor accounts.
  • Purchasing Organization is now required on ZVENDBANK and accepts the wild card character, *.

The following fields have been added to the selection screens and report output:

  • Purchasing organization (ZVENDBANK only)
  • Central Deletion Flag – Indicates vendor is marked for deletion and cannot be used in purchasing or accounting documents.
  • Central Posting Block – Vendor is blocked for posting in any accounting documents.
  • Central Purchasing Block – Vendor is blocked for posting in any Purchasing documents.
  • Block Function – Vendor is blocked for use in any Purchasing document.
  • Central Deletion Block – Vendor is blocked pending deletion.
  • Posting Block for CoCd – Vendor is blocked for posting in the specified Company Code.
  • Deletion Flag for Company Code – Vendor is marked for deletion in the specified  Company Code and cannot be used in Purchasing or Accounting documents.
  • Payment Block – Vendor is blocked for payment through the automatic payment program but not for manual payments.
  • CoCd Deletion Block – Vendor is blocked pending deletion.

Vendors are restricted by account groups. The reports only return results if the creator’s security role(s) contain the selected vendor group(s).
‘Central’ blocks and deletion flags usually have a ‘Company Code’ counterpart. Vendors blocked/flagged in one area will generally, but not always, be blocked/flagged in both. If a vendor is blocked/flagged in either Central or Company Code, contact DFA-Office of State Procurement before attempting to use that vendor.

In general, there are three types of blocks:
     a. A Purchasing block means the vendor may not be used in any new purchase requisitions, orders, or other Purchasing documents.
     b. A Posting block means the vendor may not be used in any new Accounting documents (invoices or credit memos).
     c. A Payment block means the vendor may not be paid through the nightly payment run. Manual check payment might still be possible, depending on whether any other blocks are in effect.