Pursuant to Act 1115 of the 2021 Regular Session, the Department of Finance and Administration (“Department”) was charged with the responsibility to establish rules regarding the method of distribution of coronavirus 2019 (“COVID-19”) relief funds, if made available, from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Pub. L. No 117-2, to employees and employers to cover the cost of testing, to include without limitation the:
1) timely distribution of funds to recipients within thirty (30) days;
2) establishment of an option for distribution to an employer that chooses to receive funds for disbursement to employees; and
3) verification and method of authentication of receipts that shall meet legislative auditing requirements, including without limitation the development of forms.
In order to comply with Act 1115 of 2021, the Department created the COVID-19 Testing Program and has promulgated administrative rule 006.09.4 to implement the program.
- Rule 006.09.4 – Method of Distribution of American Rescue Plan Act Funds for COVID-19 Testing
- COVID-19 Testing Program Subrecipient Agreement
- Claim for Reimbursement form
- Employer Request for Distribution of Funds form
- Proposed Testing Roster form
- Completed Testing Roster form
- Employee Separation Roster form