Are ABC permits allowed in a dry county?
Yes, with some exception businesses can apply for a private club (Non-profit entity/501C-3) permit to sell alcohol in dry counties. This permit allows for the sale of Beer, Wine & Spirits (Liquor) only.
I saw someone selling alcohol illegally what should I do?
If you believe you see a business or individual selling alcoholic products and that business DOES NOT have an ABC license, please contact local law enforcement to file a complaint. If you believe a business that does have an ABC license is illegally selling Alcohol products, please contact our office at 501-682-8174.
Where can I see a list of permits?
We currently do not have a searchable database for permits, however there is a list of all new permits issued and all permits changed/updated posted monthly. (Permit Changes)
Can I put a restaurant next to a church or school and sell alcohol?
Yes – Only retail liquor stores are restricted and should not operate within 1000 feet of school or church properties, with some exceptions.
When does the board meet?
Typically, ABC Board meets the third Wednesday every month, however the board has discretion to adjust dates and times as needed. Please contact our office to determine the exact date, time, & location of meetings.
When is seminar and what do I need to bring? Or do I need to sign up?
Seminar is taught the first Friday of every month, with some exceptions. Every Individual applying for a permit must attend a seminar, either at the 9:30 session or the 1:30 session. Both sessions will go over the same information, you only need to attend 1 session. You do not need to sign up. Just come with a government issued photo ID. Meetings are held at 1515 W. 7 Street Little Rock AR, 72201 on the 5 floor.
Can we make an entertainment district on our street?
Entertainment districts are created by city ordinance, not ABC. Please contact your city.
If we are serving complimentary drinks, do I need a permit?
If you charge for a beverage, you need a permit, if you are giving it away you do not need a permit.
Do I have to live near my business to get a permit?
Yes – The permit holder (Who can be either the owner or a manager) is required to live within the state of Arkansas, have a valid Arkansas Identification Card, and have a primary residence NO MORE than 35 miles from the business.
I’m relocating to Arkansas and want to bring my personal alcohol with me, do I need a permit?
Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control does not issue any type of permits for moving alcohol into Arkansas provided it is personally and privately owned. The only requirement to bring alcohol into the State of Arkansas is to check with Miscellaneous Sales Tax by telephone at 501-682-7194 or by email at [email protected] for information on any possible tax for bringing alcohol into the state.
When does an ABC permit expire?
All permits expire on June 30 of each year. Permits must be renewed prior to that date to remain valid and avoid late renewal fees.
If I renew my permit late how much will it cost me?
July 1 to August 28 the additional late fee is half the original permit price. From August 29 to October 30 the added late fee is the same as the original price. (i.e. July 5 – $350.00 + $175.00 = $525.00 or September 3 – $350.00 + $350.00 = $700.00).
If I want to sell or close my business, what should I do?
Please contact our office to discuss your options with either placing your permit on inactive status or canceling and returning your permit to us.
What do I need to get an ABC permit?
There are several items that a business must obtain to qualify for a permit. Each application will be based on the completeness and accuracy of the paperwork you provide. The following is a list of items provided as a general reference that all applications must have in place or complete prior to a license being issued by our office:
1) The business must register with the Arkansas Secretary of State office and be able to provide all documents confirming the legal business entity.
2) The business must have an active and clear account with Miscellaneous tax.
3) The business must provide the legal authority to occupy the business space (i.e.: property deed, lease agreement, etc.).
4) The applicant(s) must successfully complete a background check per A.C.A 3-2-103.
5) The applicant(s) will be asked to complete a rights & requirements document and agree to all outlined rights and requirements.
6) The business must advertise to the public that a license is being requested and provide our office with proof of said publication.
7) Applicant must attend an Educational Seminar class about the responsibilities of having a license and serving Alcoholic Beverages.
8) Must meet all required local and state building codes to operate a business and show proof of completion.
9) Business with food service must apply for and receive a Food Service license from the Arkansas Department of Health and provide proof of completion.
10) Must successfully pass an inspection by ABC staff to ensure the facility meets all requirements and is eligible for Alcoholic Beverage Sales.