Apply for Support

Apply for Support

Custodial parties who need assistance to establish paternity or establish or enforce medical or child support may apply for enforcement services. You may apply for services if…

  • You are the parent, legal guardian, or caretaker of a child under 18 years of age who lives with you, or
  • Unpaid child support is owed to you, the child is over the age of 18, and the amount to be recovered is based on a court order. If the child is over the age of 23 and there is not a judgment entered setting out the total amount of unpaid support owed, enforcement may be limited based on the circumstances of the case.

Certain fees will be assessed to those who apply for services. See for more information. NOTE: Costs and fees will not be charged if you, the custodial party, receives Medicaid (including ARHome) or the child for whom you are seeking services receives ARKids or other Medicaid services.

Ways to apply for services:

  • Apply online.
  • Click here to print an application and submit by mail or hand-deliver to a local office.
  • Visit a local office and ask for an application.
  • Request an application by phone from a local office or by calling 501-371-5349.